I study statistics, biodiversity, and hydrology. I am interested in using informatics to prioritize conservation. I am passionate about aquatic entomology. I coach track and field and cross country, and I believe statistical analysis of running data enhances training and performance outcomes when guided by proper coaching and proven training practices.

Personal Interests:

  • Track and Field, Cross Country
  • Photography
  • Canyoneering, Mountaineering, Backpacking, and Climbing
  • Bug Catching/Collecting
  • Programming
  • Cycling
  • Soccer
  • Hammocking
  • Reading

Favorite Insects (in no particular order):

  • Trichoptera
  • Plecoptera
  • Ephemeroptera
  • Odonata (especially Cordulegastridae and Calopterygidae)
  • Neuroptera
  • Notonectidae
  • Naucoridae
  • Belostomatidae
  • Chaoboridae
  • Blephariceridae